Name : Uma R. Maheswari
Business Name : We-Mana Nutrition (OPC) Pvt Ltd
City : Bangalore
Country : India
Website URL : http://wemana.in/
About Brand/Company : We-Mana's product is a packaged, ready-to-eat nutrition bar Ah!rogya Bar made from locally available and traditional ingredients like ragi, jaggery and peanuts without the addition of any artificial flavouring and colouring agents or preservatives. The nutrition bars are a better and healthier snack option and sold in the commercial market. The product is affordable and widely available, thereby, improving access to necessary nutrition. Each 25gm bar is estimated to contain essential micro and macronutrients and at least 6 gm of protein.
We-Mana functions as a social enterprise, with its product, it addresses the problem of inadequate, insufficient and hard to access nutritional requirement primarily among vulnerable groups of children, women and any other marginalized groups that are in need of nutrition.