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Sreyansh Mehta- Founder and CEO of Hyliv Coliving Ltd.

Great companies

Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea? Sreyansh Mehta: HyLiv offers premium shared spaces that are high on comfort, convenience and community – The 3Cs of co-living. Introduced as an urban solution to the millennial lifestyle that requires affordable compact spaces right at the city’s hotspots, the co-living communities at HyLiv are designed to become the ultimate millennial choice. Thriving the urban scenario as a millennial of today, my ideas on creating such a “complete” space emerged. The understanding of the current urban living scenarios and the comprehension of the bigger picture paved way for creating solutions that have taken a form of evolutionary experiments – the concept of co-living and more. Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company? Sreyansh Mehta: HyLiv is an ultimate collection of coliving spaces both shared and private, which are befitting the busy urban population with responsive design, built-in service options and community setup. The entire check-in to check-out process is simplified with digital app accessibility where a person is given hassle-free management of their space. Amidst being a model of room-sharing, HyLiv attempts to create “A Home Away From Home” with privacy and comfort.  It strives to take the co-living standards to the next level, with a greater degree of user-friendliness in both digital and spatial aspects. Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field? Sreyansh Mehta: Unlike the others in the field, HyLiv has a HIGH priority for user-friendliness. Every corner of the co-living space at HyLiv looks forward to host the user’s preference in privacy and comfort, along with a like-minded  Community to support, all at the same time. Along with the ease brought by the thoughtful design  of spaces, these are strategically located at the choicest locations across major cities that remain the dwelling dreams of many. By choosing HyLiv, a person chooses an actual like-minded  community, where engagement and privacy don’t overlap, but stay distributed, allowing room for the individual’s choice that is nowhere present in the rest of the co-living crowds. Ultimately HyLiv truly lets you live high, just as your home.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face? Sreyansh Mehta: Creating a space that is a ‘Home away from Home’ is no easy task. Every emotional connection and comfort factor of the current generation was taken into consideration while making the customised spaces. The greatest of all is the prioritization of the multiple needs of the new age population and creating the ‘one’ solution for all. Amidst the global statistics stating that 80% of the population is ready to spend up to 15k on rentals in need of comfort, HyLiv attempted prioritizing both budget and luxury at equal levels. This made HyLiv achieve “Comfort of a home, at the cost of a PG”. Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business? Sreyansh Mehta: Success in a business is how we define it, which is why the vision takes up the primary importance. Pursuing clarity in that vision creates a success magnet where all the growth factors of the company come right before us, waiting to be taken up. With clarity followed by weighing the strengths and weaknesses, any business is sure to progress in the direction of growth.

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