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Siddhant Amonkar- CoFounder of VEEZ CONTROL SOLUTIONS

Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea? Siddhant Amonkar: As a child I was always intrigued by music instruments, amplifiers, movie theatres, sound mixers etc. Music was always a passion and also liked electronics so decided to be an electronic engineer and started my journey, after completing my engineering followed my passion and along with industrial automation engineering also perceived my Sound engineering. Started by designing amplifiers and repairs but as exposed to knowledge in few years wanted to do something so that people around me could listen to pure sound or at least listen to music as intended by the person recording it. That's how we started our firm catering to Hi-Fi sound and building Movie theatres. Also wanted people to understand that only speaker selection is not enough to get true sound we also started providing acoustic solutions. May it be Home theatre, auditorium, recording studio or a simple conference room we started mastering the room acoustic Treatments and here we stand today providing wide range of turnkey solutions. Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company? 

Siddhant Amonkar: Home theatre, movie theatres, auditorium design and build, recording studio design and build, room acoustics, commercial sound like public address systems and distributed sound solutions, audio consultancy. Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field? Siddhant Amonkar: Knowledge of the field, whatever we do is from our passion rather than just monitory benifits, we just don't sell box products but give entire Solutions after understanding our client needs. All Engineering service provided under one roof. We educate our clients before they but something.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face? Siddhant Amonkar: Raising fund was a big task since for a demonstration room we had to invest so that people could experience the best sound when they visit our demo room. Apart from that there are not many challenges faced we are growing slow and steadily and that's a great sign for any business. Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business? Siddhant Amonkar: Service and Trust with the client.



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