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Shubangi Gupta : SportVot

Great Companies

Name: Shubangi Gupta

Business Name: SportVot

Location: Mumbai, India

Establishment (Year): 2019

Profession/ Specialty: Marketing

Company Detail:

There is a massive lack of digital penetration in sports especially at the lower tiers. Over 99% of sports games have no form of digital coverage. There is no common platform or a convenient way for sports bodies, tournament organisers and participants to capture their game videos, scores, statistics, monetize their games as well track player performance and data.

That is where SportVot comes in. SportVot is a multi sport mobile and web application that gives users a convenient and cost effective way to live stream their games, capture in game highlights with real time scoring and premium interactive graphics. It also helps players create their identities, track and analyse their performance data linked with their game videos.

Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:

They have simplified the broadcasting and data capturing. All that is needed is a smart phone which cuts down on the expensive traditional way of broadcasting, thus giving lower tier sports more access to coverage.

Challenges faced during the Journey:

Figuring out the camera set up for live streaming at low cost was a challenge. Not every tournament organizer can afford expensive set up and a lot of the team's time went in research and development for the right set of tools required to make this process cheap and easy as well as creating that awareness in the mindset of tournament organsier to capture every single game in the most cost-efficient manner.

Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:

She would like to advice to stay confident, keep networking, and maintain a healthy boundary between work and personal life.

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