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Shammi Gupta - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2020

Shammi Gupta

Shammi's Yogalaya

Yoga & Wellness Coach, Yoga Therapist & Naturopath

Company Details

Shammi's Yogalaya work in ‘Life style Management’ using various yogic tools. We believe that ‘Imbalance’ on any front is the source of all the miseries in life - with today's ‘Convenience Living’ being the greatest source of this 'Imbalance'. Working on the theme, ‘Healing with Alignment’, we strive to bring therapeutic bliss, a disease -free and sampoorn life in our practitioners by mentoring them into the journey of natural living through Yoga & Naturopathy.

What challenges have you overcome to reach where you are now

Personal Challenge: Before moving into a yogic way of living, my life would surround around everything which was non yogic. The subject seemed fascinating though. Hence, working on self - introspection, self-exploration and then yogic application on eating pattern, sleep awareness, thought processing, mental frame, psychological propensity etc. took years of practice to first reach a 'Neutral' stage and then lean towards a 'spiritual journey'. Non Personal Challenge: Yoga as a comprehensive tool, with multiple components from its ocean of offering, has the capacity to touch each and all, with an almost guaranteed positive result. It did take a while to prove presence of Yogic living in all walks of life but real life experiences made it easy for many to accept and welcome it in their daily living, thereby - Healthy Citizen Healthy Country.

What message you want to give for other aspiring women entrepreneurs

That follow your 'Heart' no matter what and the 'Universe' will follow you.....

To what do you attribute your success


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