Name: Sarika Gulati Gupta
Business Name: Reel on Social
Location: NCR, India
Establishment (Year):2015
Profession/ Specialty: Video Content
Company Detail:
They at Reel on Social are engaging in businesses & communities with power of video content.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
Their main USP is in bringing a revolution in video content industry with content produced by industry specialists. Team with background of television industry keeps them apart from competition in meeting changing needs of clients in terms of latest technology, quality, etc.
Challenges faced during the Journey:
Hiring right talent was challenging in beginning & now they are able to overcome this.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
The main advices that Sarika would like to give to female entrepreneurs is about consistency, patience & commitment towards work which she says are the keys to achieve success in business.