Name: Sarah Frye
Business Name: SF Consulting Services, LLC
Location: Chicago , USA
Establishment (Year): 2010
Category: Advertising & Marketing
Profession/ Specialty: marketing/PR
Social Media : Linkedin
Company Detail:
SF Consulting Services is a full-service communication business dedicated to implementing highly individualized public relations and marketing campaigns aimed squarely at driving business results. They create growth and recognition for companies by utilizing quality content, effective marketing activities, corporate planning, partnership development, press releases, branding, and social media. They get the message out through traditional and new age media: print, broadcast, and online.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
SF Consulting Services stays up-to-date on digital technology — trends and innovation — to assist with all marketing and media needs including content distribution through ChatGPT, TikTok, X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. Relationships are key to a successful campaign. First, they get to know the brand and the company, from the types of employees to the kind of coffee that goes over best. They then recommend tactics that match the company culture and are in-line with short and long-term goals. With an ample and diverse portfolio of clients and projects, their Chicago-based public relations consultants, marketing specialists, and graphic designers communicate a corporate identity for startups, small businesses, franchise organizations, and non-profits across the nation.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
As an entrepreneur of her own business and someone who has always worked and worked (jobs on jobs), a challenge Sarah has recently endured is how to do it all after becoming a mom. Effective time management with dedicated routines, meditation, prayer, and an intentional -- daily -- focus on self have been necessary. Combined with a positive attitude and the practice of manifesting have helped, too.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Go after what you want. Be tenacious. Don't settle. Ask your higher power for guidance on how to best use your talents to influence the lives of others. And then, be open to receiving the message. Whiteboard ideas and ask others for input. The universe will put things on your path, and it's up to you to use good discernment and choose the option that feels right and comfortable to YOU! Have faith you are exactly where you meant to be right now and live in the moment. Don't wish your life away - enjoy each day and be present in all you do.