Sample Preview
Name: Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan
Business Name: Universe Power Systems
Location: Bangalore, India
Establishment (Year): 1997
Profession/ Specialty: Manufacturing and Services
Company Detail:
The Universe Power Systems are specialised in UPS and total power solutions.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
Their main USP is that they have only women partner with Emerson-vertiv since 25yrs. 24/7 service.
Their other main USP includes that they are always upgrading
Challenges faced during the Journey:
The main challenges faced by the Universe Power Systems includes Languages, Funding, Leads and Business ideas.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Jeyalakshmi says to set a goal about how you want to be in the next 10 years.
She also says to work towards goals ethically. and to never give up.
She says to remove mind block, upgrade as per the market. So that one can sustain and grow.