Name: Sally Morse
Business Name: Spectra Supply
Location: Calgary , Canada
Establishment (Year): 2019
Category: Manufacturing
Profession/ Specialty: Safety
Social Media: LinkedIn
Company Detail:
The company is a family-owned enterprise, with the owner being a major shareholder. They specialize in manufacturing safety gloves tailored for both men and women, catering to various industries across Canada. The owner's particular passion lies in developing products specifically for women in industrial sectors. Presently, they offer a few women’s styles, with plans to launch a complete line of women’s work gloves in 2024. Additionally, the owner actively advocates for women in the trades through their companies, Spectra Supply and Unify Safety Supply, as well as through their involvement in co-founding an event named Futures In Trades and Technology.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
For their glove products, the three pillars are quality, price, and customer service. The owner is also introduced to companies and the industry because of their knowledge of women’s personal protective equipment (PPE). They enjoy supporting other women working in male-dominated industries.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
Challenges include being a single parent and building a company at the same time. Working from a home office provides flexibility to be there for the owner's children. Raising capital was also a challenge, but the company is building slowly as they are self-funded. The highs and lows of entrepreneurship are weekly, and the owner has learned so much about themselves and the resilience it takes. It’s hard but so rewarding too. Their passion now is supporting women with proper fitting safety gear. Many are still being bought men’s safety gear, so a challenge is changing the narrative, educating companies, and creating awareness around women’s safety.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Women entrepreneurs are advised to find their differentiator and just do it! They should find a mentor or a group of other entrepreneurs that can help with answering questions and provide support. The owner has met so many great people and formed amazing partnerships with others!