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Sahana Rai, Founder at Glocal Brand Solutions

Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Sahana Rai: I am an accidental entrepreneur, entrepreneurship happened by chance. I have worked for 13 years in corporate world and when motherhood came calling, I decided to take a break with the idea of going back to my corporate career. But like they say, “life happens to you when you make other plans”, I was blessed with twins and going back full time didn’t seem like a great option. I started exploring various options, dabbled for a bit with digital marketing and then when a friend suggested to try my hand in PR, I found my calling. From March 2016 I went full-fledged into PR and there has been no looking back from thereon. Thus, Glocal Brand Solutions was born.

Great Companies: What are the various Services provided by Glocal Brand Solutions

Sahana Rai: Currently we are core PR services boutique agency in which we provide services like Press events, media interactions in print, digital, tv etc. So, If I must put it in short, we are brand custodians responsible for bringing out each story in as authentic way as possible.

Great Companies: What makes Glocal Brand Solutions different from hundreds of other similar service providers?

Sahana Rai:

We bring lot of love and passion to our work and the proof of it is in the outcome of the work we produce and almost 80% of clients who we have right now have been with us from inception.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?

Sahana Rai: As a boutique start-up and being solopreneur challenges are many, working on tight timelines, delivering more than what client expects are some of the problems. The list is big, but these are some key issues.

Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for Glocal Brand Solutions?

Sahana Rai: In next 5 years there are couple of things that we are aiming to achieve –

• Customised solutions for start-ups in form of software or something of the likes.

• In boutique PR agency category, we want to be counted as one of the top 5 agencies.

• We also want to build a strong reputation in start-up PR category.

Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Sahana Rai: Don’t underestimate your potential, you will be pleasantly surprised by what you can do when you put your heart and mind to a goal. Also put your heart and soul in what you do, don’t do things for the sake of it, fall passionately in love with your work.

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