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Rebecca Jones: Winner of the 2024 Great Companies International Women Entrepreneur Award

Name: Rebecca Jones

Business Name: Pyrra Technologies

Location: Geneva , Switzerland

Establishment (Year): 2021

Category: Information Technology

Profession/ Specialty: Information Technology

Social Media : LinkedIn

Company Detail:

Pyrra Technologies collects unmoderated social media, then deploys AI to help its customers identify hate speech, violent threats, risks to reputation, and disinformation.

Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:

Pyrra Technologies is the only company dedicated to identifying these threats across unmoderated social media. As a spin-off of a Human Rights organization, it is committed to ethical tech development and use.

Challenges Faced During the Journey:

Rebecca has been fortunate in her life to not suffer from any real adversity, but she has always worked hard to keep moving forward and up. There have been two major challenges to overcome, though. The first was a crippling fear of public speaking. It reached a point where she decided it was holding her back, so she kept doing it until she got good at it. The other challenge has been a lesson in balance, learning when to push hard and understanding when to step back, both in business and in her personal life. She believes it's a challenge many struggle with.

Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:

Rebecca usually has a couple of 'go-tos'. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Men and women apply very different approaches to applying for a job. Men (typically) will apply for something when they don't meet all the criteria; women won't. They doubt themselves and feel they need to be perfect. Don't let that hold you back - give yourself the opportunity to rise to the challenge.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength.

Learn to say no.



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