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  • Great Companies

Pragya singh, Co founder at Delberto Ecom Pvt ltd.

Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Pragya singh: One pace day, my friend and I were shooting the breeze whilst returning from office and found his wife was pestering him with the telephone calls and the reason was that she wanted to start her business on e-commerce platform and wanted to help her husband to augment the income but she was not getting any pavement and was agnostic about E-commerce business, and suddenly I came up with an idea of Delberto and being an autodidact and good acquaintance on E-Commerce and having an experience of almost half decade in E-Commerce I was aware of all the pain points of new e-commerce sellers and and I suggested to help my friend in starting a new venture.

This is how the delberto club started and got the investment from some known venture capitalist because of our unique idea. In delberto we provide the platform to rookie to establish their business on online and off line and help them to be a person in their own right instead of an appendage to the family and the old cliché after wedlock a woman’s place is in the home’ is fallacy and to prove all those naysayer wrong.

We school our members on legal requirements, onboarding, OEM/White labelling, access to 1 lac virtual inventories. No MOQ (minimum order quantity) and easy pay and pick model in short members can be owner or CEO of their own brand without investing enormous sums of money.

Great Companies: What are the various services provided by Delberto Ecom Pvt ltd?

Pragya singh: We work on 3 models-

  • Dropship Model: Those who want to venture into a full-time or part-time business can start by registering their business and availing drop-ship model to sell on leading e-commerce marketplaces without having a major investment and Delberto handles everything from managing products, inventory, payment gateway and logistics. Delberto team member gives hours and hours of time to understand their true vocation and suggest the product line whether they want to sell Clothing, Fashion jewellery, Decorative items, Knick knack items, etc. Delberto has everything they need to run their e-commerce store on different marketplace.

  • Re-seller model: This can be started with Zero investment by owning a social commerce website in less than 30 sec and can choose from over 100K products to be listed on his/her website with a customized margin structure. With Zero investment, Zero inventory and Zero programming skills a person is all set to start using the power of social commerce tools provided by Delberto.

  • Grow your business: It’s a DIY platform made especially for brick-and-mortar stores or people working from home which they want to expand and make it either hyper-local online or pan-India presence digitally. We bring opportunities for existing traders or manufacturers to expand their business and reach by either listing their catalogue for entrepreneurs present on Delberto or using the SaaS-based application to promote their existing business in extended geography by using the logistics and listing services from Delberto.

Great Companies: What makes Delberto Ecom Pvt ltd different from hundreds of other similar service providers?

Pragya singh: On a similar level we have competitors like Shopify or meesho, wherein they are not into providing white label for products and the customer knows that the seller is meesho and the seller is taking commission thus ruining the trust in the mind of consumers. While Shopify just provides a platform to build website and there is no support for inventory and thus leaving the entrepreneur with all the trouble of maintaining inventory.

Great Companies: What were the struggles and challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

Pragya singh:

  • High Attrition Rate: The drop out rate is high since the sale is limited to own network or person gets occupied in full time work and unable to give time.

  • Lack of focus: The seller or Reseller if sees less response initially loses interest and focus on the business due to low patience level.

  • Low Conversion Rate: Probable customers mixes the model with a web site creation company and hence has low conversion rate.

Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for Delberto Ecom Pvt ltd?

Pragya singh: Delberto has entered into a strategic partnership with Bennett Coleman and company limited, to use it's publications and digital media in promoting Delberto's offering to the mass. We have entered into a strategic partnership with UPTEC to take the offerings as a training to young minds and enabling them to start their venture. In the next 5 years we see 2 million marketers associated with Delberto and over 500K members using Dropship model.

Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Pragya singh: Think big, Dream big, Soar high.

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