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Nitin Sharma, CEO at Road pilot Technologies Pvt Ltd

Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Nitin Sharma: Being from a back ground of trucking industry I used to face a lot of chalenges in recruiting Verified Truck drivers for my trucks and so on thier retention on the jobs. Resulting, less number of operation days which directly affects the productivity as well as the emi's of the trucks. So, i decided to develop a mobile App where every truck owner can get verified truck driver leads and so as truck driver can choose & apply the job acc to his likes on the grounds of geo location, salary package and the route which he loves to drive.

Great Companies: What are the various services provided by Road Pilot Technologies Pvt Ltd

Nitin Sharma: We are creating an ecosystem for truck drivers & Truck owners depending upon each other requirements of geo location, salary, communication, hygiene & over all


• By enhancing the confidence & trust of new Truck drivers through welfare measures & retention process.

• Involving road side dhabhas & Other facilitators.

• Working as a bridge to offset the escalating cost of unforeseen & emergency situations.

• ‘ROAD PILOT ‘ App offers all this at one place jobs, verified & trusted profiles, health insurance, Personal, accident insurance and extra income while on duty

Great Companies: What makes Road Pilot Technologies Pvt Ltd different from hundreds of other similar service providers?

Nitin Sharma: First time in India Road Pilot is solving the problem of shortage of truck drivers in India. The problem of shortage of truck drivers and the root cause is lack of

respect, social acceptance, hygiene, safety & security of truck drivers while on


• It is important because performance of economy is impacted, higher inflation,

cascading effects on general public too.

• It affects all the stake holders of the transportation industry, wholesalers,

retailers and general public

Great Companies: What were the struggles and challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

Nitin Sharma: As the road transportation industry is unorganized & scattered so Initially , we faced a challenge of trust among the user. Slowly & steady these were overcome by setting live examples of the users. Secondly, funds was the major section which we need at every stage to execute the idea, meeting truck unions, truck drivers meet, executing events etc. I pulled some of my savings as well as burrowed some funds from friends & relatives to meet the targets.

Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for Road Pilot Technologies Pvt Ltd?

Nitin Sharma: In the next 5 years we are planning to expand to 8 states of the country to Punjab, Haryana, Uttar pradesh, Rajasthan, M.P., Bihar, Chattisgarh & Uttrakhand which owns the largest truckers community. We are focusing on connecting with various truck unions engaging with truck owners & truck drivers to make them aware of the program. 5 years down the line we see 20000 truck drivers, 1000 truck owners, dhabha owners & truck mechanics associated with Road Pilot to improvise their personal as well as professional lives,

Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Nitin Sharma: Explore, Explore & more Explore. You wont be able to enjoy success until you fail.

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