Neha Tambe - Contentspire Marketing Services
Name: Neha Tambe
Business Name: Contentspire Marketing Services
Location: Pune, India
Establishment (Year): 2021
Profession/ Specialty: Content Marketing
Website :
Social Media : LinkedIn
Company Detail:
The company is a content partner for major businesses. Started by a content writer and copywriter, Neha Tambe with over 10 years of experience, the business bridges the gap between advertising and educational content needs of the brand. They provide SEO optimized, highly researched content that can be used on websites, blogs, brochures, case studies, corporate videos etc. They partner well with advertising agencies or marketing agencies.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
SEO optimized content, content marketing to improve awareness, consideration and establishing the brand as a subject matter expert. They also help brands connect with influencers to promote their brands on social media.
Challenges Faced During The Journey:
Mrs Neha Tambe is a first-generation entrepreneur. She had no guidance or mentor. With no MBA, no mentor and absolutely no idea about running a business, it was an uphill task. Based on her passion and reading up a lot of online resources, helped her build her confidence in starting a business.
Networking groups helped her promote her business and get the right connections. She is proud to say that she has built a healthy base of customers within the first year of launch. She has been repeating and consistent clients and they recommend us to others as well.
Advice For Other Women Entrepreneurs:
You need passion towards your idea, a group of like-minded people to motivate you and an approach that focuses on customer's success, says Mrs Neha Tambe.