Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
Mahesh Thanki: The idea of forming our own venture came to life during the start of Covid-19 pandemic. Having to spend most of our time indoors, Bhavna and myself had plenty of time to reflect on our desire to begin our entrepreneurial journey and the timing of it. After giving it a lot of thought, we decided that we would fulfill this by doing something constructive for the masses. Having no prior experience in running our own business meant a steep learning curve as we undertook our journey. Sheer determination to see our vision come to light led us to take this leap of faith and as they say, the rest is history!
Great Companies: What are the various Services provided by Kaoshikii Enterprises Private Limited
Mahesh Thanki: At K.E.P.L, we believe customer satisfaction alone is no longer the mantra. We focus on taking this one level above, and that is customer delight. We intend to achieve this by providing our swadeshi made hand sanitizer of superior quality and that too, at an affordable price. It is our "vision" and "mission" to uplift the overall living standards of the people of our nation.
Great Companies: What makes Kaoshikii Enterprises Private Limited different from hundreds of other similar service providers?
Mahesh Thanki:
We, at Kaoshikii Enterprises Private Limited, are in this business to change the perception that locally made products are sub-par or inferior to those that are foreign made. It is our sincere effort to manifest world class products that stand out globally. We also urge people to help us bring about this revolution by purchasing more domestic versus imported.
Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?
Mahesh Thanki: I would say that awareness (in the self hygiene context) is still one of our biggest laggards. It boils down to whether people perceive a product to bring value in exchange for their spend. For instance, the practice of rinsing one's hand with soap before any meal is something that doctors have endorsed way before coronavirus even existed. How many of us follow this religiously is the question that we must be asking ourselves!
Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for Kaoshikii Enterprises Private Limited?
Mahesh Thanki: Entering into the market by way of introducing our own line of hand sanitizer was solely for the purpose of instilling confidence in the people on the quality we set out to deliver. Aumiyage is our trademarked brand and we do intend to add a range of other products under the same umbrella.
In terms of growth strategy, we want to strike that fine balance of revenue generation from both, ecommerce as well as your traditional brick and mortar. A very broad goal we've set for ourselves for the long term, say 5 or 6 odd years from now, is to have a 'Pan India' presence in the segment that we focus on i.e. personal & household hygiene.
Although, I'm also a firm believer that in today's rapidly changing macro-environment, the dynamics of business will have to be perpetually revisited whether it be steering the company's outlook in terms of geographical expansion or portfolio diversification.
Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Mahesh Thanki: To me, this is a rhetorical question considering we started out in August of 2020. However, if I must share a piece of advice that I try and follow myself is, "patience". It could take some time before people truly start to appreciate the things that you have to offer.
In terms of holding capacity, it is wise to have sufficient financial backing to grind out the inevitable teething troubles of a new system.
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