Kapila Taneja: Healingworx
Name: Kapila Taneja
Business Name: Healingworx
Location: Gurgaon, India
Establishment (Year): 2017
Profession/ Specialty: Counsellor
Website : https://healingworx.in/
Company Detail:
Healingworx provides a platform for one to one counselling sessions. Personal & customised sessions for Past Regression. Online & Offline Corporate training.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
They customise as per the needs of the customer and empower them for life. The truest meaning of abundance is happiness and Healingworx ensures that for their clients.
Challenges Faced During The Journey:
Mrs Kapila Taneja says that the challenge was to reach out to more and more people to serve them and the growth of their business.
Advice For Women Entrepreneurs:
Mrs Kapila Taneja tells everyone to just be clear with their ethics and values of their services or products as they must solve a problem that their client is facing.
‘Once your motive is to serve, rest everything will follow.’