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Jose Sunny Kattukaran- CEO of KATPENTER

Great companies

Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea? Jose Sunny Kattukaran: In effect of COVID19 on 2020 KATPENTER HYGIENE-TECH headed to innovative steps for the safety and protection of public such as Sanitization Walk Way (Disinfection Tunnel), Isolation wards, UV Disinfections, etc. Our company is doing this innovative projects in co-operation with Government and several Government Departments across India. As our Moto 'Concept To Creation'.

Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company? Jose Sunny Kattukaran:   Constraction, interior, steel structural buildings, tempered glass manufacturing and installation, Toatal maintenance activities. Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field? Jose Sunny Kattukaran: Our dedication to work, competitive pricing, Clint relationship, quality service and on time delivery.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face? Jose Sunny Kattukaran: Unhealthy competitions & roomers Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business? Jose Sunny Kattukaran: My Moto is - Double-W 1) w - will power 2) w- willingness. Most all new Geny business men’s are not willing for a huge struggles and competitions in present market. If some one have they don’t have enough will power like money management, political issues, labour controlling etc. And we want to make a clear goodwill in market and good business friends. Also Clint relationships

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