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How to build targeted prospect lists

Are you a savvy salesperson or marketing professional? If so, you know that building a prospect list is essential for making direct contacts with potential buyers. To maximize your results and help ensure high conversion rates, it’s important to build highly targeted prospect lists. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create specifically tailored prospect lists that will lead to an increase in sales opportunities:

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile

Start off by creating your customer persona. Establish the goal of your targeted audience, focusing on factors such as age, job role, income level, professional affiliations and other interests. This framework helps you understand who your ideal buyer is and develop an accurate picture of their needs–which leads to more effective segmentation criteria.

Conduct Research Into Your Target Audience

This step requires doing some research into the people you are targeting⁠— including things like what channels they use to interact online, the information they are seeking out, the problems they need solved, and where they go to find those solutions. You should also research trends related to their industry or profession so that you can create timely offers specific to their needs in order to turn them into customers more quickly.

Create Segmented Lists

Once you have identified all relevant criteria for your target audience and done the research necessary for developing effective offers, it’s time to start creating segmented lists so that you can target each group with specific messaging. You may need multiple segmented lists depending on what each list’s intended purpose will be (e.g., one list of prospects within a certain market sector and another list of warm contacts). Additionally, consider using both internal sources (such as current customers) as well as external databases when creating these lists—the key is assembling detailed profiles that contain pertinent data points about each contact in your list(s).

Develop Optimal Distribution Programs

Finally, once the lists have been created it is important to establish an ongoing plan for distributing them effectively in order for them remain current with changing market dynamics over time––this includes devising email campaigns tailored specifically for each segmented group along with timing considerations related when best send each message; this could also include implementing SMS marketing campaigns whose directed messages further refine interactions with individual targets thus increasing conversion rates over time.

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