Name: Helen Lundin
Business Name: BeautyTreat
Location: Marbella , Spain
Establishment (Year): 2023
Category: Personal Services
Profession/ Specialty: Concierge Services
Social Media : Linkedin
Company Detail:
BeautyTreat offers the 5-star touch in rental holiday villas by bringing treatments and products to the guests that are certified by us. We have a menu that is easy for the guest to book and pay through and all treatments and products are then brought to their door. BeautyTreat work B2B and mostly with real estate companies and concierge companies and give our partners less stress when it comes to questions about treatments and training sessions. Our treatments providers are all freelance and by having that as a requirement many prefer to go from getting paid with cash to become freelance and sending invoices and work the legal way.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
BeautyTreat makes partners, clients and villa owners feel safe when it comes to who they let in to their guests house. We work B2B and are where the clients are, we only work with partners and providers that we choose, we have a booking system and own products.
Challenges Faced During the Journey
To know if we would only focus on holiday guests or also outside that. We have had pilot clients to try our services to find the way forward. Also to find a recipe to find treatment providers that we can trust and that are loyal to us without hiring them.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
If you have a feeling that this idea could be successful, just start and let it take time. That could be the best choice you will make in life!