Name: Gauranggiri Dhirajgiri Gosai
Business Name: Global Technology Management
Establishment (Year):2021
Location: Ahmedabad, India
Award Category / Industry: Business Services
Sub – Category: Industrial Water Treatment Sales and Service Provider
Social Media: LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Global Technology Management is a water treatment plant, water treatment chemicals, and water pumps sales and service provider. They are a solutions-based company specializing in environmental sustainability solutions that ensure customers' sustainability, distinguishing them from other companies in the market.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
Their environmental sustainable solutions differentiate them in the market, ensuring customers' long-term sustainability.
Achievements and Milestones of the Company:
Gauranggiri Gosai has installed more than 24 million liters per day (MLD) of water treatment plants to date, recycling more than 1 MLD of water at customer sites, significantly contributing to environmental conservation. Sales growth in FY2023-24 marked a high at 80% over the previous year (1.8 times Sales growth).
A customer’s review:
Reliable products/services
Community / Society Service:
Their environmental conservation solutions provided to clients contribute directly to nature conservation efforts.