Business Name: FSI Training Services Pvt Ltd
Name: Yasodhai Damodaran
Location: Chennai, India
Establishment (Year): 2020
Category / Industry: Education and E-Learning
Sub Category / Sub Industry: Career Counseling / Coaching
Number of employees: 1-10 employees
Website URL:
LinkedIn URL:
Company Detail:
They are a 3 years old training company focusing mainly on POSH and POCSO implementation. POSH stands for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace and POCSO stands for Prevention of Child Sexual Offence
The solutions to Customer problems:
They help organizations to provide a safe working place and study environment to their employees and students.
POSH and POCSO implementation
Unique Value Proposition:
They do POSH and POCSO end-to-end implementation across India. They have their trainers Pan India, making them a one-stop solution in the field of POSH and POCSO for organizations that are spread across India.
Target Market:
Any organization having more than 10 employees is a client for POSH. For POCSO, all the schools are ideal clients.
Company’s Internal Objectives related to innovation, customer service, and operational excellence:
Investing in Great customer service,
Improve customer retention
A customer’s review:
Reliable products/services
Benefits to Employees:
Positive Work Environment
Community / Society Service:
Their mission is to make India a “Harassment-Free Country” by 2030. They are providing free public training to achieve their mission.