Dr Pallavi Rathi: My Skin My Health
Name: Dr Pallavi Rathi
Business Name: My Skin My Health
Location: Mumbai, India
Establishment (Year): 2011
Profession/ Specialty: Doctor Dermatologist Trichologist Cosmetologist
Website : www.myskinmyhealth.in
Company Detail:
My Skin My Health is a Skin Hair Laser clinic where they offer quality treatment at affordable prices. Located in Mumbai the clinic serves more than 1500 to 2000 patients a month. They offer all types of treatment for skin and hair, be it basic skin problems to advance dermato-surgery or cosmetic surgery.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
Their motto is quality care and they strive their level best for good results. All under one roof with a special focus on social stigma oriented diseases like leprosy, vitiligo, burns is what makes them unique!
Challenges Faced During The Journey:
While not being from Mumbai, Dr Pallavi found it was challenging to set up her practice and achieve her goals. As her profession required her a lot of training and up-gradation of her skills nationally and internationally which did take a toll on her personal and family life.
Advice For Women Entrepreneurs:
For all women entrepreneurs, Dr Pallavi would like to say that one must live their dream. Teething issues would always be there but overcome them and keep going and one day you will fly in the sky.