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Dr. Ashwini Hirekar - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2023

Great Companies

Name: Dr. Ashwini Hirekar

Business Name: Lex Mandamus LLP

Location: Mumbai, India

Established (Year): 2020

Category/Industry: Legal & Accounting and Finance,Insurance

Profession/Speciality: Law Firm

Social Media: LinkedIn

Company Details:

The company espouses a progressive perspective in law, a perfect balance between the conventional approach and the progressive one. Our legal fraternity is polished to highly technical and legal standards. We have diversified our practice and provide legal assistance to clients belonging to varied sectors.

Unique Selling Proposition/ Competitive Advantage:

Lex Mandamus LLP is one of India’s first full-fledged virtual law firms, which operates globally. Utilizing cloud-based technology under the global virtual service platform benefits both clients and attorneys alike. The company has also introduced legal- medical services, which will help deal with the plethora of issues in society.

Challenges Faced During the Journey:

The pandemic that hit the globe asked a lot out of every profession, especially healthcare services. The increased pressure demanded a lot out of everyone and meeting those demands while keeping up with the lockdown was the biggest challenge of them all.

Advice For Women Entrepreneurs:

Identity yourself as an individual and embrace all that you’ve got. Life is not all about the source and the destination but it's surely about the journey. Plan it well.

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