Design the best employee experience imaginable, with Pratyachh Mishra, the World’s Only Natural Energy Artist
Website : https://www.pratyachhmishra.com/
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Imagine two offices. In the first, you see smiles and concentrating and relaxed faces. There is a buzz of hard work but also a feeling of energy and commitment. In the second office, you see chaos, pained expressions, and eye rolls. Despite frequent breaks and lags between calls, employees already seem exhausted halfway through the day.
The difference between the energy level of both offices is very evident. Here one should connect with the seemingly nebulous and hard-to-control factor that contributes to business success i.e. Energy.
It’s been observed that, most large organizations invest in developing employees’ skills, knowledge, and competence. Very few help build and sustain their capacity—their energy—which is typically taken for granted. In fact, greater energy makes it possible to get more done in less time at a higher level of engagement and with more sustainability.
Maximum corporate employees are struggling with mental well-being issues such as stress, anxiety & depression at the workplace. This is all due to distractions around them, lack of focus, and lack of designed thinking given to them. There is a need for organizations to prioritize employee wellness and productivity.
Frequently we have seen and heard high-minded aspirations to “change the culture” actually manage to modify the way that people behave and the way in which they work. But how often have you seen noticeable long-term improvements?
To effectively reenergize the workforces, organizations need to shift their emphasis from getting more out of people to investing more in them, so they are motivated—and able—to bring more of themselves to work every day. To recharge themselves, individuals need to recognize the costs of energy-depleting behaviors and then take responsibility for changing them, regardless of the circumstances they’re facing.
According to Pratyachh Mishra, the World’s Only Natural Energy Artist, the ability to connect to these resources lies in the office space itself. Every space has infinite energy in itself. So if once that infinite energy and that finite space structure can be got into the sync and balanced, so then anybody who is entering in that space will have a sense of calmness. In the context of Natural Energy; there is no such thing as positive or negative energy in a space. Either the energies are in sync, if they are in sync then they are balanced and if they are not in sync with the infinity, they are imbalanced.
The infinite energy’s synchronization with the finite structure of the space will exactly work in a manner wherein the calmness is provided to each and every individual to their very specific levels of finite energy. This has not been attempted to date. So on ground, if this is the reality one is looking for, so one of the impactful findings is how calmness impacts the basic and the most crucial aspect of life that’s choice-making.
Over the last three decades Mr. Pratyachh Mishra has been researching on natural energy. Everything that vibrates every individual, every space carries natural energy. On the basis of the research of almost three decades, he have come across certain most important and crucial findings. He has developed effective mechanism to align the energies of office spaces, cultures and strategies that can lead to any business effort. What has struck us, again and again, and what he is sharing now for the first time, is the consistent gateway to this Natural Energy Balance: It’s all about how people feel, how they will have a sense of calmness. Yes, feelings, those raw emotional responses we sometimes bottle up or even ignore — particularly in a business context — are critically important to business success.
Balanced energy of Office spaces, drives employees to go above and beyond, regardless of external incentives such as compensation and benefits. Designing energies of office spaces, gives specific strength which is the source of focus, calmness, clarity of thoughts, within a company, which in turn drives people to work harder toward bettering the organization. The sense of calmness, that comes within, when they enter the designed office premises, further fuels their energy, inspiring people to strive for even further success. And so the cycle repeats.
To fully utilize the office space’s potential, it is imperative to sync the energy of the goals of the organization to the energy of the office space, which will make people proud to work there.
Here, Pratyachh’s approach to organization’s evolution relies on the idea that you need to be in sync, be purposeful and selective in how you achieve the organization’s goal. Once the energies of the office space is designed; the employees/performers will slowly and steadily finds the tectonic shift in their performances and productivity. There is incremental value additions in the lives of performers as they attain calmness even while meeting crucial deadlines; which in turn takes them to the path of making clarity personified choices and taking impactful actions. And, ultimately, you will see people behaving in ways that move the company forward while also feeling more invested in its success.
For example, in the advertising field, there need to have a surge of original ideas across the world. Imagine the office of any advertising agency transformed to space wherein every performer connects to his/her originality just by being present in that space and delivers original ideas at will.
The goals of an efficiency program can be linked to an improved experience for the clients — Designing definitely triggers the ability of the employees to focus intensely, prioritize, and think creatively. The mandate is won the planning and execution will be done while maintaining the energy levels till the idea is completely delivered.
Providing employees calmness driven atmosphere, streamlines the processes in order to create a more seamless experience within, rather than just more motivating and asking them to do the same in order to improve creativity. Thus effortless, right culture interventions directly link to performance goals and improve employee engagement via designing. This leads to consistently increase the market share and eventually be revered as one of the finest players in the world market in the long run.
Designing of Energy of the Office space, homes tap into the energy of the performer, where their everyday work and activities becomes consistent with what they value most and with what gives them a sense of meaning and purpose. When there is sense of calmness, the work they’re doing really matters to them, they typically feel more positive energy, focus better, and demonstrate greater perseverance. Regrettably, the high demands and fast pace of corporate life don’t leave much time to pay attention to these issues, and many people don’t even recognize meaning and purpose as potential sources of energy. Indeed, if we tried to begin our plans by focusing on the energy levels, it would have better impact.
Only when participants have experienced the value of the rituals they establish in the other dimensions do they start to see that being attentive to their own deeper needs dramatically influences their effectiveness and satisfaction at work.
Committed stress-free employees, good service delivery system, and ability to innovate and take risk increases the productivity of a company and that is where Energy Designing plays the role of the catalyst in any organization.
All the research and experience of Pratyachh Mishra is benefiting the people on a very different pace, which is completely different and unique service, ever provided in the world. Natural Energy is something which can heal a person from any kind of issue or problem.
At present his work is spread across four countries.