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  • Great Companies

Anuradha Venkatachalam - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2023

Name: Anuradha Venkatachalam

Business Name: Learner Circle Pvt Ltd

Location: Chennai, India

Establishment (Year): 2020

Category/Industry: Education and Learning

Profession/ Specialty: Edtech

Social Media: LinkedIn

Company Detail:

In 2020, Learner Circle was founded to provide a well-rounded development to children through online LIVE classes across a wide variety of courses that build the future skills. Learner Circle uses a “3Ps" approach - discover Possibilities, pursue Passion and realize Potential.

Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:

They offer a wide variety of courses to explore and the option to go deep in any chosen area of interest. The curriculum for each course in Learner Circle has been well-curated by professionals and experts from around the world. Experts in child development and related fields have carefully crafted the learning frameworks. Their Learning modules are right-sized for children to identify if it is indeed their area of interest and if so go deep to acquire expert skills in chosen areas.

Challenges Faced During the Journey:

Challenges external to us can be easily overcome. We just need to seek the right help. But overcoming internal self imposed limitations were more challenging. Learning to get over rejection, overcoming Sales inhibition, learning the art of motivating the team were the challenges that they had to face to be where they are today.

Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:

Don't romanticize the notion of becoming an entrepreneur. Doing business to make money cannot be the main driving force to pick up entrepreneurship.

Finding an area of passion, finding a real problem worth solving in your area of passion will hold the key to your success.



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