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Amit Kumar, CEO at Unpadh

Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Amit Kumar: With my Education Background and being an IIT / IISc, FMS, Stanford, and MIT Sloan Student, I have acquired the trait of thinking about the problems from the end-user’s perspective. I noticed there was a substantial gap to fill in the education industry in the form of connecting young minds with new ideas and creative teaching methodology. I could clearly see that in tier 2/tier 3 cities where the infrastructure is not so good and people are not very tech-savvy, the students were not able to leverage technology to access knowledge available outside their cities, and institutes were not able to grow their student base.

We noticed this gap and realized that it’s an opportunity to help the students as well as institutes by providing them with a platform to increase their reach and access knowledge beyond physical boundaries.

We may be new in the online education domain but we are focussing on providing online solutions through technology-based courses in the field of management and technology programs from esteemed universities and institutes both national as well as international.

Unpadh is an open & online marketplace to access a variety of online courses. On Unpadh anyone can upload and sell their courses. Students don’t need to venture far or browse different websites to get quality technology and management courses. We have brought everything for students in one place by blending traditional education with the modern education system. We will be the largest aggregator of online courses.

Unpadh has established a customer-centric relationship with top-notch associations like IIM/FMS and IIT/NIT locally for this we have gone the extra mile, Unpadh has positioned itself effectively in the online marketplace to democratize online education. From online courses in various fields to providing career advice to helping students prepare for competitive examinations, we are merging education with Virtual Reality Technology to change how education is being perceived in the nation.

Great Companies: What are the various services provided by Unpadh

Amit Kumar: You don’t need to venture far as you can find everything well organized & aggregated in one place. Unpadh is a one-stop solution for learning value-oriented & quality education for all in every nook and corner of the country. On our platform, you will find creative ways of learning because we’ve introduced technology in the education field with audio, video, and 3D animation learning! If you’re someone who finds learning difficult, you will be convinced to change your mind because Unpadh has made learning far more dynamic, easy, and More interactive.

On The Unpadh platform, we make any type of educational course and program information accessible to students as soon as they think of it! Even distance learning is made easy and hassle-free as the courses on our platform provide virtual lessons which students would enjoy over traditional classroom lectures. Plus, we provide course customization programs where you can add programs and courses of your choice. Seriously, Unpadh wants to make learning easily accessible in our country! Unpadh’s interactive educational platform has been made keeping in mind to provide quality education.

Unpadh believes that quality education is the birthright of every child, no matter whether he is disabled or physically fit. The courses and programs that you will get on The Unpadh platform are designed to reduce administrative time. Plus, learning in this modern era makes homework creative through collaborative online solutions.

We will be the only EdTech Company in India that will provide a complete Ecosystem of Education to the Students, with end-to-end solutions.

Great Companies: What makes Unpadh different from hundreds of other similar service providers?

Amit Kumar:

Our main USP will be our Tech Platform, Interactive Interface, and Cost-Effective VirtuaReality-Based Products and Solutions in the Edtech Market. And on top of that our Mentors will be the Best Educator than others.

Great Companies: What were the struggles and challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

Amit Kumar: The first time use of a Virtual reality-based product in the Edtech market tracking with an AI-based mode e.g, if any student is weak in any particular segment, AI would inform automatically that the student would need to work on that particular segment more.

Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for Unpadh?

Amit Kumar: We are working on the pain points, in fact not just on pain points but also trying to solve the real problem of Education in technology with EdTech products and solutions, we are not only just working on the content but also on technology as we are offering digital lab with virtual reality experience in the Edutech market. If you are talking about our next five years plan, we will be one of the top leading and most valued EdTech companies in the global market. Will will enhance our Technology in that manner wherein a student will have a personalized learning experience on our platform

The In future, we will have on our platform learning program and courses in regional languages to provide access to quality content for students in the remotest parts of India.

Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Amit Kumar: Keep patience & look forward to adopting the new technology around, because you need to work hard, and be smart.

Starting phase may be Good, but the second phase can be much more difficult, once you crack the second phase you can be a winner.

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