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  • Writer's pictureAravind Menon

Aishwarya Arora - CoFounder of Herbally Enchanted

Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea?

Aishwarya Arora: We are building Herbally Enchanted on rock solid beliefs of helping people and catering our customers with ethereal freshness and luxury. We practice ‘business with purpose’, our purpose conjures up from aiding people with concerns like PCOS, PCOD, Acidity, Thyroid, Weight Loss and more through a 100% Organic and Plant based Health care range.

Alongside, stepping into the Beauty Industry with a twist of personalisation and customisation performed by specialists for each Hair and Skin care product for our customers to suit individual Health, Skin and Hair requirements. Sparked by the desire to use fresh ingredients in Hair and Skin care that we produce, and an emphasis on absolutely no preservatives. Health and Beauty have been mediums I’ve always felt called to, while mindfulness and healing are important themes in our work, I feel, every customer teaches us something new to ponder on and that keeps our creativity unfettered by industry trends, thriving on passion, innovation and the excitement of the next invention. The web allows everyone to self-inform and reach their own conclusions. Then they can buy accordingly. It’s now your individual choice, you can look and you can judge and if you believe in us then you can spend your money with us.

Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company?

Aishwarya Arora: We cater to Health and Beauty segment with a range of Organic and Plant based exquisite ingredients. All our products are customised by professionals based on different types of Hair, Skin, Health type and their areas of concern.

Our product range diversifies from Health care including herbs for PCOD, PCOS, Weight Loss, Acidity, Menopause, Diabetes and more to Skin and Hair care products including Soapless Face Cleansers, Face Masks, Flower and Fruit Face Oils, Nut Scrubs, Hair Rejuvenators, Soapless Shampoo, Organic Hair Cleansers and more.

Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field?

Aishwarya Arora: If you go to a market, you are going to go where you get the best value. That’s how people weight their purchase. If you’re kind enough to trust us, then we're going to give you the luxury for every pennies worth.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?

Aishwarya Arora: Challenge is an inevitable part of a business, we take all our challenges as possibilities and it sparks our innovative and creative side while keeping us on our toes to be at par with the trends.

Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business?

Aishwarya Arora: A business will prosper if the Moto is set with clear mindfulness of healing while catering our customers with optimum quality. Every feedback and suggestion is accepted with a sole purpose to evolve paralleled by catering the olden luxury of ancient Ayurveda with a twist of Herbalism.

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