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Aastha Dewan - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2020

Aastha Dewan

School Of Transformation

Emotional Wellness (Mental Health)

Company Details

School Of Transformation is an organizational formed to spread mental health awareness and break the taboo of Indian society for seeking help in case of emotional issues of life. We do workshops in corporates, for Women Entrepreneurs groups and School students to build this awareness for all ages to build a emotionally healthy and stress free society.

What challenges have you overcome to reach where you are now

1. Openness of society for coming out and seeking help.

2. Building my credibility as a counselor

What message you want to give for other aspiring women entrepreneurs

1. Don't just start a business, also have a clear purpose of adding value to Women and society with what you do.
2. Hang in there. Quick results, quick money can never give true happiness and sense of achievement

To what do you attribute your success

Constant support from my husband, who never questioned my decisions and treated me as an equal person in every way always

Website or Social Media Page

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