Interviewer - Can you provide me with a description of your business?
Nagraj Nallu - We are real estate marketing company with a presence in Dubai,Mumbai and London
Interviewer - How did you get started in this business?
Nagraj Nallu - Was a employee with TIMES of India doing the same thing and thought to become a entrepreneur so started it
Interviewer- Why do your customers select you over your competitors?
Nagraj Nallu - Because we don't try to sell the property which gives more money to us. We understand the customer need accordingly we suggest them the property and ours is the only company who will not charge money from our customer on top it we incentive's the customer by rewarding him with 1 percent of the base price as a incentive to buy through us
Interviewer- What are the biggest issues for running this business?
Nagraj Nallu - Unstabilised Indian real estate market and the caking on the ice is the post effects of GST and demonetisation
Interviewer- What suggestions would you like to give to the young budding entrepreneurs?
Nagraj Nallu - Don't loose hope there is always tomorrow when your are suffering today