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Interview With Mr. Syed Saleem CEO of ASPIROVA

Interviewer: How did you get the idea for Aspirova? What was the process behind the creation of this company?

Mr.Syed Saleem : Aspirova was created by an inspiration from my surrounding where I nurtured and got inspired by the way it was being handled and by the thought process of stabilizing the outcome , the initial process was an individual contribution for it later the team gathered by getting inspired for completing the untold task which can be an add on for it. Mainly with the idea , friendship and family care was the main building base

Interviewer: What steps do you take in order to make your company stand out in this vastly competitive field?

Mr.Syed Saleem:

  • Dedication towards the work we generate

  • On time facilities and the top-notch work completion

  • Quality derivatives for the work

  • Focusing on Increasing the satisfaction level of both the internal and external units of the organization, and most important the quantity is not our motto but maintaining the quality for the work we do for the society and for our client

Interviewer: You provide various services. How do you make sure that you manage to deliver top notch performances in all that your company offers?

Mr.Syed Saleem: The flexibility of the resources and the set target for the completion is versatile for everyone and the performance level and the usability of the resources is maintained for the standard that is set for the work which is performed. The resources bought for the task are specialized for their field we never pick the best out of the market but the one who can perform the task innovatively but not the same way as others do the same task

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Interviewer:What are your core values? What measures do you take to stick to your core values?

Mr.Syed Saleem: Our core values are INTEGRITY, RESPECT and ENTHUSIAM

We sustain the upgrade the CORE VALUES and MOTTO of the organization by maintaining the MORALE and DIGITALISATION of the environment which would affect both the internal and external unit of the organization

Interviewer: What are your future plans in order to expand your company further? What new things do you plan to do?

Mr.Syed Saleem: We are out in expanding the organization and digitizing the units of the organization by maintaining the standards and quality and the AI part of the firm which is used to maximizing the products for the industry that we serve. We are planning an expansion in the industry which is sustained in the same field which we are working on so that we get a platform for the right people in the right time and maximizing the output of the units that are bought forward by the organization and client

Interviewer: You have worked with so many companies. What do you think makes your clients decide to keep coming back to you?

Mr.Syed Saleem: We think the dedication, Enthusiasm, Quality and the on time completion for the work which is bought forward by the client

Interviewer: How did you manage to garner such success in such a short amount of time?

Mr.Syed Saleem: I always wanted to do something on my own, success doesn’t come easy my 1st i was determined by Team Lead, way of getting things done which was a good catch which I thought it’s the right time to Do it.

Mr Ajay Abraham, a good well-wisher, My motivator & my family helped me accomplish my dream and now this dream of mine is a reality , It’s rightly said have friends who help u reach a destination..Mine rightly did

Interviewer: What advice would you give to the up and coming entrepreneurs and small business corporations in order to help them grow?

Mr.Syed Saleem :You would face failure in your initial days. You would get mocked by many for not choosing their path to fulfilling their dream, but your growth they wouldn’t know until you show them the final product work until you have the glory of completing your dream rather striving for others in the path which was never created by yourself. Success isn’t easy you need to work behind it.

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