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How Starting Blog Might Help Your Small Business

Sep 28, 2017

A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style. Small business owners can use blogs to their advantage in some of these ways:

1.To get online traffic: small business that struggle to get more hits on their website or social media platforms can use blogs to attract the attention of the online community. If your blog attracts readers then people are likely to visit your other public profiles and website.

2.Feedback: small businesses do not have much capital to spend on developing a customer care or feedback channel. Through a blog you can reach out to consumers and ask them to share their feedback.

3.Launchpad: you can use your business blog to release vouchers, discounts and coupons. You can attach hyperlinks in your blog that would lead the user straight to your website. This would increase hits on your blog as well as website.

4.Cheap advertising: use your blog to its potential as a public platform. You can put up interactive, unique advertisements on the blog be it GIF, MP4 or images, internet allows you to unleash your creativity. Unlike other forms of media, advertising on your blog is very cheap and easy.

5.Know your customers: through your blog you can conduct online polls, surveys and ask for suggestions from your customers. This would help you know who your customers are and what they want which can help you develop future ventures and marketing strategies.

6.Developing an online image: be it a person or a business everything is online these days, through a business blog you can develop an image of your company online and through that credibility and reputation. A positive online mage adds to your reputation digitally and in the real world too.

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