Need Emergency Dental Care in the Wahroonga Area?
Our friendly dentists in Hornsby are ready to accommodate emergency dental cases and get you out of pain and comfortable as fast as possible. Our experienced and friendly dentists are currently caring for our existing patients and also welcoming new patients emergency dental Wahroonga

Please call and talk to one of our friendly staff if you are experiencing:
Facial swelling
An accident involving damage to your teeth or mouth
Swollen or sore gums
Our emergency dentists in Hornsby will assess your needs on the same day and will strive to provide immediate pain relief. Furthermore, our gentle dentists understand that some patients may feel anxious having dental treatment and are very experienced in managing and supporting patients who have anxious concerns.
Call our friendly staff to book your appointment or a consult today on 9477 1803.
As life often dictates, unexpected emergencies pop up when you least want them to!
Sudden toothaches can be very painful, sometimes even unbearable. They can hit you at the worst times like on the weekend, late at night, or during a vacation.
At Happy Smiles Dentist we offer a full range of Wahroonga emergency dentist options.
Let’s look at possible causes of a dental emergency.
Call our office if you’re experiencing any of the following:
Hot and extreme cold sensitivity on teeth
Sensitivity to sweets
Swelling of the gum around the tooth, or swelling that is starting to spread to the face
Sharp or dull pain near your tooth
Pain that radiates into the ear
Lingering discomfort after eating or drinking
Pain that awakens you from sleep
Sore or bleeding gums
Gum boil, fistula or a pimple on your gums (You may or may not notice it draining fluid.)
Bad taste in the mouth, which may be caused from an infected tooth.
On a more serious note, an infection that starts in your tooth can enter your bloodstream, leading to a number of other problems.
Please don’t wait too long to address something that seems as simple as a toothache! If you do experience severe swelling, high fever, or trouble swallowing, you may need immediate attention and should go to the nearest emergency room.
For all other dental emergencies, it’s best to seek out immediate dental care.
If you notice any of the following, then you are at risk for developing a toothache at any time. By seeing us as soon as possible, we can make recommendations for treatment before it turns into something more severe and difficult to deal with.
Broken and decayed teeth
Gum recession (which can cause sensitivity)
Heavy tartar and plaque build-up
Bleeding gums
Tooth mobility
Gum disease
Blunt force trauma from an accident or injury