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  • Great Companies

Vinit Verma of Blueprint Advisory

Great Companies: What kind of financial services do you provide to your customers?

Vinit Verma: We provide Goal based Financial Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Second Opinion service.Goal based financial planning has gained much traction among the NRIs, professionals & salaried class. It is slowly gaining acceptance in business class too, where its acceptance has always been a challenge.Our second opinion service is also picking up lately, wherein we provide advisory over client’s existing portfolio managed by some other advisor.

Great Companies: How do you manage to provide tailored solutions according to the needs of each client?

Vinit Verma: We have a system to have a formal Risk Tolerance Test of our clients, based on that report we segregate clients on the basis of their risk appetite. For ex. Low risk, Low-Moderate, Moderate-High & High risk appetites.Secondly, we discuss with clients in detail about their financial & personal goals, cash flows, work they do, about their health etc, which in turn helps us to know the major cash flows that will be required by our clients in short-term, short-medium term, medium-long term & long term. Now, combining both these factors we arrive at asset classes & their weightages necessary in the client’s portfolio. Finally after all these things we have to zero down on the products to be advised to the clients. Product selection also has a definite process in our organization based on certain parameters.

Great Companies: How do you provide such quality services to your clients? Is it because of your team or your methods?

Vinit Verma: Client servicing has always been an integral part our work culture & it will always be. No matter how good we are but if fail to communicate the same to our clients then we fail. Now in financial services when your product is ‘Service’ then how we can we ignore that. Here product & service is nothing but the same.Nothing can be done without a team & a stringent process or methods. Our operational team has always been the backbone of our organization & earned us honors from the clients. They understand the importance of client servicing in financial service industry. They have learnt to communicate clearly with the clients which is much required in the industry.

Great Companies: How do you aim to build a competitive clientele and take advantage of every single opportunity available in the market?

Vinit Verma:The foundation of our organization is based on learning & improvement both for us & our clients. We believe to have a transparency in client-advisor relationship, so that both may have a long term relationship based on trust & mutual benefit.We have always advocated financial advisory based on moderate client expectations & have never pushed returns while advising a client. This has helped us to have a very stable client client base with nearly zero attrition rate. We are in no hurry to run behind the numbers & are happy not to board clients who are just running behind the returns.

Great Companies: What do you plan to achieve 5 years down the line?

Vinit Verma: We would like to be a paperless financial advisory firm for sure which is possible in near term, as we are already working on it. Apart from that we would like to focus much more on client servicing, we want to have it like a SOS, a button click away.

We would like to have a more equated pie in term of client segmentation like retail, high networth, ultra high networth, & corportes. We also would like to reach to smaller cities & towns other than cities for financial services. Small towns have been devoid of access to quality financial services with a whole range of product basket. We also would like to do much more in terms of client engagement & financial education which we will initiate soon.



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