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  • Great Companies

Sreela Pillai Roy - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2023

Name: Sreela Pillai Roy

Business Name: Organic Orchards Private Limited

Location: Calcutta, India

Establishment (Year): 2016

Category/ Industry: Manufacturing and Retail

Profession/ Specialty: Manufacturing

Social Media: Linkedin

Company Detail:

Founded on May 11, 2016, Organic Orchards Private Limited is a private company. It is registered with the Registrar of Companies in Kolkata and is classified as a non-government company. It has a paid-up capital of Rs. 1,850,000 and an authorised share capital of Rs. 2,500,000. It is involved in horticulture, market gardening, and crop growing.

It offers a comprehensive selection of skin and hair care items, such as shampoos, foot and body lotions, cleanser bars, day and night creams, and serums. It is a D2C brand that is adequately distributed through our website and important e-commerce portals. Beginning in 2021, Organic Orchards will also begin exporting their goods to the United States.

Sreela Pillai Roy, Sanat Kumar Das, Sunipa Sinha Roy, and Jayasri Sarkar are the directors of Organic Orchards Private Limited.

Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:

Organic Orchards’ ability to successfully replace palm oil with more environmentally friendly, locally produced components is one of Organic Orchards’ proposal's two most distinctive selling points. Also, Organic Orchards constructed a production facility that has been authorized by the Ministry of Ayush, giving them complete visibility over the efficacy of the procedures and ingredients used. Organic Orchards are able to provide better personal care products that are created within an entirely sustainable value chain.

Challenges Faced During the Journey:

It was difficult to replace palm oil during the product development stage. Following a thorough investigation, oils from Madhuca Kusum and other forest products were used to substitute palm oil. At different phases, the company adjusted its packaging, moving away from single-use plastics and towards glass jars for a few products in order to provide a fully sustainable solution. Finally, the market for beauty products is getting more competitive. She finds it difficult to make her products visible without a big marketing budget.

Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:

Be prepared to be disheartened. Be ready to pick yourself up every time you fall.



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