Name: Sandra Rathe
Business Name: The Sandra Rathe Team
Location: Weston , USA
Establishment (Year): 2010
Category: Real Estate Services
Profession/ Specialty: Real Estate
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Company Detail:
The owner and leader of the top real estate team in Broward and Miami Dade at Keller Williams started in the real estate business in 2009 and has grown the team every year to the current size of selling $138 Million in property and serving over 266 families in 2023. They are a team of 20 real estate professionals and 5 support staff.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
The Sandra Rathe team consistently achieves top-tier results for their clients. While they do serve both buyers and sellers, they focus more heavily on the listing side. They pride themselves on their extensive marketing and their deep knowledge of the market and current trends. This allows them to achieve higher sales prices for their sellers and shorter days on the market, resulting in happier sellers and giving them the ability to move onto their next adventure faster and with less stress.
Challenges Faced During the Journey
When Sandra began the business in 2009 she was fairly new to the South Florida area. She had moved there for a job transfer for her husband so they had no family or friends close by. Starting a relationship-based business from scratch with no help from people they knew was definitely a challenge. She had to rely on her strong marketing abilities and her persistence to get the business off the ground. Additionally, her husband worked for Caterpillar at the time and he was responsible for South America which meant he was not home very often. She was left to take care of their 3 children (ages 9, 7, and 6 at the time) and get the business up and running by herself.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Sandra would say, the sky is the limit! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do it or that you don't have the time to do it. Women can be very resilient and creative when it comes to taking care of their family and building a huge career. There is no reason that they can't have it all and feel fully satisfied with both parts of their lives. They do not need to sacrifice one in order to be successful in the other; they can be successful at both at the same time!