Niyati Agarwal
Business Development & Sales
Company Details
We are into Chatbot Space, since its inception, four years back. We have successfully been able to innovate new ways in which end users can reach their brands on their preferred mode of communication i.e. social media chat.
What challenges have you overcome to reach where you are now
Finding the right talent who is equally passionate and capable to take the journey ahead has always been one of our core problems. We have been able to find a few talented employees but the hunt is still on. Achieving a perfect work life balance has been the other key challenge. Over the time there has been significant improvement in this area, but keeping that perfect balance still has its scope for improvement.There is a quote of Sheryl Sandberg, “MEN you share some of the challenges/struggles ARE JUDGED BASED ON THEIR you may have faced getting to where you POTENTIAL; WOMEN ARE JUDGED BASED are? ON THEIR PAST PERFORMANCE”, and if Share any challenges you may have faced you are fresher and first time entrepreneur, the either in getting funding/leading teams/ journey gets even tougher. being the minority in your role/battling social It got really difficult for me in the beginning also norms or prejudices/lack of support from because there was absolutely no one to talk to. peers/access to mentors and support From attending social networking events to networks client meetings, the male person with me was given more preference even if that person was working under me. Being a young female entrepreneur, people didn’t think I had any technical knowledge.
What message you want to give for other aspiring women entrepreneurs
My only advice would be to “hold on”. At first, I thought taking the plunge was the most difficult thing I ever had to do. But overtime, I realised it takes more courage, determination and great perseverance to keep going. Though at the end of the day, it’s all worth it. There is nothing better than the satisfaction of being recognised and being able to achieve something, which everyone thought you could not do.
To what do you attribute your success
Perseverance, hard work and the will power to not give up !
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