Great Companies : What kind of financial services do you provide for their customers?
Mayur Agrawal : We are a one stop solution for all the financial needs, we provide Financing services in the form of Home Loans, Commercial Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Loan Against Property and all the other loan requirements thru private sector banks, nationalized banks and NBFCs.
We also provide Investing services and help client formulate and achieve their financial goals. We are distributors of Mutual Funds, Bonds and other money market instruments. We have an AUM of 50 crs in last three years of incorporation of the company
We also provide protection services in the form of Insurance. We are distributors of Life Insurance and General Insurance for companies like TATA AIA, Kotak Insurance. We also distribute mediclaims policies and other insurance services
Great Companies : How do you manage to provide tailored solutions to your clients? Mayur Agrawal : We have a client centric approach rather than a common approach for financial planning of our clients. We do need based analysis of our cleints and try to understand their goals in order to give them the best suitable solution for their needs. We have a team that takes care of designing solutions as per requirement of our client. Great Companies : What is your strategy for attracting a large range of Investors? Mayur Agrawal : Our strategy is very simple to attract the large number of customers, we try to give optimum returns for out client's investments depending on their risk appetite and financial goals. We believe that we can only grow if our client earns good returns from their investments and they will in turn give us more money to manage which will result in our growth. We have clients who are very satisfied with our services and they keep referring us to their contact sphere which helps us grow. We are also part of large networking platform thru which we have strategised approach to grow our business.
Great Companies : How do you plan to achieve success in your future endeavors?
Mayur Agrawal : We plan to achieve success by giving best possible services to our clients which help them to achieve growth in the investments. We believe that good client relationships and customer centric approch is the only key to our success. We also believe that we need to have the right knowledge and be constantly updated of our field to give the right advice to our client.
Great Companies : How do you help your clients to achieve their goals via expert guidance?
Mayur Agrawal : We follow a structured approach of understanding their needs, assessing their risk profile and understanding the kinds of return they are looking at their investment in order to help them achieve their goals via expert guidance.