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Manoj Krishnan of The Compass Team

Great companies

Great Companies: What all services does your company provides?

Manoj Krishnan: The Compass Team provides a bouquet of services from Student Evaluation Programmes to Career Guidance and Assessment for high schools students, Parenting support services , Faculty engagement programmes and clinical services to address a variety of problems. Great Companies: What does your programmes focus on?

Manoj Krishnan: Our programmes focus on holistic and overall development of all the communities involved-students, teachers and parents. Great Companies: Why do you think that your company is the best place for  the development of children?

Manoj Krishnan: We work on a 360 degree approach and ensure that we take teachers and parents into confidence and involve them in the development of children. We don't just identify strengths and weaknesses, we provide intervention in those areas too.

Great Companies: How far have you been successful in providing satisfying results to your clients?

Manoj Krishnan: Our close to 10 years of work in the area has given us deep insights into problems faced by students, parents and teachers. We have screened more than 40,000 students across schools , added value year after year on our programmes and guided high school students into the right courses for an ideal career, conducted engagement programmes for thousands of teachers and helped as many parents in enjoying what they do for children. Great Companies: Can you tell us more about your service HOPES?

Manoj Krishnan: HOPES (HOlistic Programme for Evaluation of Students) is the only copyrighted outreach programme in the country that screens students, identifies shortcomings and provides intervention wherever required by using a 360 degree approach. It is done with a team of specialists like psychologists, special educators speech language pathologists, audiologists,  nutritionists and doctors  to address specific areas  like IQ, academics, behaviour, life skills, speech language and communication, food and nutrition and more to ensure that every child is brought to the mainstream. Great Companies: What is your companies mission and vision?

Manoj Krishnan: Mission is to create and spread awareness and provide remedial intervention for problems related to academic backwardness, behaviour, life skills, speech, language and communication and nutrition through effective management of related disorders and highly ethical clinical practices which are cost effective and innovative. We also aim to guide high school children to scientifically find their right career path based on their Aptitude.

Our Vision is to be a social enterprise  that gives shape to a physically and mentally healthier and happier society through a 360 ° approach involving students,         teachers and parents, through Holistic Evaluation, outreach programmes, seminars, workshops, counseling and remedial services to ensure that every child is brought to the mainstream.

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