Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
Dr.Saurav Das: Zetta Women was conceptualized based on the experience the founder had through his wife who was a software engineer and after a career break for a year, she was unable to find the kind of MNCs she worked with before as a decade and a half ago the concept of DEI and women professionals who have been on a career break were not preferred despite their qualifications and competencies. That was what sparked the whole concept of Zetta Women
Great Companies: What are the various services provided by ZETTA WOMEN?
Dr.Saurav Das: At Zetta Women we have been recruiting women who have been on a career break. There is career mentoring, training programmes, wellness related counselling, etc. We are converting this for-profit venture into a non-profit wherein our revenues from various hiring / training / consulting work will be ploughed back to funding various initiatives for women, children, elderly citizens, who cannot fund various resources on their own.
Great Companies: What makes ZETTA WOMEN different from hundreds of other similar service providers?
Dr.Saurav Das: This has been something which has been bothering me from the start. To differentiate ourselves we have to adapt technology and have a robust tech-enabled model which through a self-funded venture is not possible at this stage; so, our differentiating factor is by being the only DEI recruitment and consulting firm that operates as a non-profit wherein we will accept donations / contributions from our clients which would be based on their satisfaction level which would be in the name of the Foundation we are working on and everything will be accounted for.
Great Companies: What were the struggles and challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
Dr.Saurav Das:
Money matters: bootstrapping all the way since start but there were moments when I sold my car / other resources to pay for salaries or other infra expenses.
People matters: more than finance, having the right people in a team is very important. They can either make or break a company.
Speed matters: if we sit on a project and take our sweet time, it turns sour soon enough as the client is always in a hurry.
Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for ZETTA WOMEN?
Dr.Saurav Das: By converting Zetta Women into a non-profit we will be doing something bold that very few companies / businesses can think of. The "pay-as-you-like" model is adapted by very few organizations who believe in their deliverables and vouch for the quality of their work.
In five years from now, we would like to be back in the circuit dealing with the best / top companies in each domain, globally, using our unique model. I am sure companies would support us once they relate to the causes we work for or the organizations we partner with.
Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Dr.Saurav Das: Get the right people on board. Never hire anyone who is looking for a job; rather hire someone who sees what you see and believes what you believe.