Anuratti Vidyarrthi: Digital Raindrop
Name: Anuratti Vidyarrthi
Business Name: Digital Raindrop
Location: Delhi, India
Establishment (Year): 2017
Profession/ Specialty: Digital Marketing
Website :
Social Media : LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Digital Raindrop is a leading digital marketing agency that offers exceptional services to clients globally. Their services include website development, social media management, search engine optimisation, graphic designing and online reputation management.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage
Digital Raindrop believes in helping the brand/company grow organically within the minimum amount spent. Their clients have experienced a variety of their services as they keep coming for one service after the other.
Challenges Faced During The Journey:
The main challenge Anuratti Vidyarrthi had to overcome was to reach where she is to go out and network. Being a person who started this journey on her own, each step taken was a challenge that was defeated by confidence and hard work.
Advice For Other Women Entrepreneurs:
The only advice Anuratti Vidyarrthi would like to give to the entrepreneurs out there would be to grab the opportunity everyone gets. A golden opportunity will be right at your door, open that door and see the positive effect of it.