Oct 4, 2017

A book becomes valuable when it is enriched not only with personal experience but also professional experience. And to have such experience, one should be willing to take risks. Writing a book is in itself a big risk for people and sharing their experiences and journey and letting everyone enter and have a glance in one’s life.
Not only can this, writing a good book give you and your business credibility. Also, having a credible business can also contribute to the writing of a good book.

Here are some tips on how writing a book can help you build credibility:
1.Quality of writing: The higher quality writer you are, the more professional your book will be. To enhance your way of writing, one can-
Practice writing every day;
Read books, magazines, or newspapers daily;
Critically analyze writing by others;
Study grammar and style rules;
Rewrite your drafts numerous times.

2. Publicize yourself: Publicizing oneself has become really important in this fast pacing age of technology. Usage of the social media and blogs to spread a word about your book, and being regularly active on it and get to know the demands of your readers in the society. Also regularly posting can help you improve your writing skills.

3.Write about what you know: What you write should be what you have personally experienced and you are sure about. That way the chances of making mistakes and the cost of researching minimizes. It is important to live and breathe your subject matter to make it more impressive and build your professional credibility.

4.Write with Authority: It’s important that you use an authoritative, yet approachable, voice in your piece of writing.. To write with authority, present thoughts easily, clearly and with confidence. Communicating clearly and effectively will go a long way in establishing your authority, but so will making sure you have something new to say.
5.Know the Facts: Provide your reader with detailed information and back that information up by using sources. But passing along erroneous information will undercut your credibility more than anything else you do. If you’re citing a scientific study, government data or other industry expert, make sure you get it right.

6.Respect Their Intelligence: The readers are looking for solid information about something they’re interested in. If false information is presented or the readers are underestimated, they might lose interest in the matter which might lead to incredibility instead of credibility.
7.Maintain Consistency: Presenting your piece of writing or the contents of your books in a consistent manner can help keep the readers interested and maintain the flow of reading, which might keep them interested and willing to know more and learn the most from your experience. In order to influence the people, one should be careful about their style of writing. So adding breaks would only portray it as a poorly written book.
8.Doing it Right: You can have the most brilliant ideas in the world, but if they’re not being communicated correctly and effectively, you’re undercutting your credibility.
9.Create a workshop or seminar and present it to people within your niche, which would help to spread a word for the book and attract more readers with common interests.

Writing well is a learned skill; it isn’t the same as being a considerate, interesting, admirable person. But if you do your best to be considerate and interesting and admirable — or whatever else particularly matters to you — no doubt you will have an advantage in the writing department over the thoughtless, the dull, and the contemptible.